Recovery Day

Recovery Day

Jun 23 - Amsterdam NY to fort plain NY (lock 15): 27 miles

A storm is coming.

We were warned two days in advance by my dad and then the day before by my husband and we could also see the forecast for severe weather coming our way.

This meant either we needed to hole up here in Amsterdam or we needed to get an early start to make it to shelter before the worst of the storm came in the afternoon.  

Holing up? Staying put? Not an option.

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Ahhh... family

Ahhh... family

Jun 18 - Wells State Park, Sturbridge MA to Ludlow MA:  34 miles

This was a hilly day. It started with the ascent out of Wells State Park, which we tried to avoid by taking a bike trail cutover to an adjacent road which completely did not work out, but added 2.2 miles of walking with bikes on up and down rocky trails, and 40 minutes of time. PLUS THE MOSQUITOES rivalled anything I've seen in Alaska. ARGH.

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First night camping!

First night camping!

Jun 17 - Sutton MA to Wells State Park, Sturbridge, MA:  21 miles

OK, I confess that up until now, we have managed to do our daily riding segments and still sleep at my home outside Boston.  We never really had a chance to do any dry runs in advance, so we've been using these first days to make gear and bike modifications which have needed more tools than we're carrying.

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Leaving home...

Leaving home...

Jun 16 - Lincoln MA to Sutton MA:   47 miles

First fully loaded outing, and it wasn't flawless, but it worked just well enough to gets us as far as we did. Up until now, we've been putting in short unloaded miles with some help from family, while we were finalizing our bikes and waiting for some gear to arrive and some our of 'luggage' to be finished (by us).  So this is the first TRUE test - of our bikes, our gear, ourselves.

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And so it begins... on the Atlantic

And so it begins... on the Atlantic

Jun 14 - Old Harbor Beach, Boston MA to Arlington MA:   15.9 miles

We chose to set off on this beautiful Sunday morning from downtown Boston - no traffic, great weather, easy-going drivers (for MA that is).  South Boston locals out playing tag football and sunning on the beach, and Heather and I carrying bikes through the sand to do a ceremonial Atlantic Ocean dip.  Our send off was quiet...

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