And so it begins... on the Atlantic

Jun 14 - Old Harbor Beach, Boston MA to Arlington MA:   15.9 miles

We chose to set off on this beautiful Sunday morning from downtown Boston - no traffic, great weather, easy-going drivers (for MA that is).  South Boston locals out playing tag football and sunning on the beach, and Heather and I carrying bikes through the sand to do a ceremonial Atlantic Ocean dip.  Our send off was quiet, just us and my husband who kindly drove us down and took photos. We had South Boston streets mostly to ourselves, before hitting the chaotic streets of downtown Boston, crossing the Charles River, up Memorial Drive, through Harvard Square, Porter Square, and downtown Arlington to drop our bikes off for the FINAL modifications (new saddles!, fit and fender tweaks) at Quad Cycles.  Thank you to Ben Maguire for looking after us so well, it has been a real pleasure working with him and this bike shop. We'll have to go back in the morning to collect them again for the next stage.  We're happy to be started on such a gorgeous day, and looking forward to getting some real mileage in soon.