Leaving home...

Jun 16 - Lincoln MA to Sutton MA:   47 miles

First fully loaded outing, and it wasn't flawless, but it worked just well enough to gets us as far as we did. Up until now, we've been putting in short unloaded miles with some help from family, while we were finalizing our bikes and waiting for some gear to arrive and some our of 'luggage' to be finished (by us).  So this is the first TRUE test - of our bikes, our gear, ourselves.

Heading west take us from the local rolling hills to some potentially really hilly terrain around Worcester. We picked a not-too-hilly route (only one 'swear' hill), adding a couple miles to the route, but allowing us to break in a little more before hitting the Berkshires.

Beautiful backroads in Grafton and Sutton - a real treat!

Jodee is definitely making some adjustments to loading between front/rear for tomorrow, moving more weight to the back to make the handling a little better hopefully. Can probably be accomplished simply by swapping the sleeping bag currently in back with the clothes in front.

Heather has broken new ground - today was the furthest she has ever been on a bike in one day!  A little farther indeed....